User Role Operations

When assigning operations to a user role, certain operations require additional (dependent) operations to be included for the specified operation to function correctly. In the table below, the Dependent Operation column identifies the dependent operations. For example, to correctly include the Change DataBlock Connection operation, the user role must also have the View Explorer Tree and Edit DataBlock operations.

The Report Viewer, Report Writer, and DataBlock Designer columns identify the operations that are assigned to these default system roles.

Operation Minimum Required Role Dependent Operation


Add to Data Dictionary DB Designer Edit DataBlock Add items to the Data Dictionary. Additions are visible to all users.
Change DataBlock Connection DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Change an existing Connection to a DataBlock
Create DataBlock DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Create a new DataBlock.
Create Folder DB Designer View Explorer Tree Add a new folder to the Explorer Tree. Also allows you to rename any folders that you created yourself.
Create Report Report Writer View Explorer Tree Create any type of Argos report.
Create Schedule DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Create a scheduled job.
Create Shared Shortcuts DB Designer View Explorer Tree Enable creation of a Shared Shortcut.
Edit DataBlock DB Designer View Explorer Tree Modify contents of DataBlock. Also rename, cut, copy, paste, or delete an existing DataBlock. To paste a DataBlock, Create DataBlock operation is required.
Edit DataBlock Raw Data DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Modify(Edit) DataBlock Raw Data.
Edit Folder DB Designer View Explorer Tree Rename, delete, cut, copy or paste a folder. To paste, you must also have the Create Folder operation.
Edit Library of Objects Report Writer   Add, modify, delete objects within the Library of Objects Manager. Does not apply to adding/retrieving objects to/from the Library from a DataBlock or Report.
Edit Notes for DataBlock DB Designer View Explorer Tree Add, modify, delete notes for the DataBlock.
Edit Report Report Writer View Explorer Tree Edit (modify) an existing report.
Edit Report API Argos Admin View Explorer Tree, Edit Report Create an API for a report.
Edit Report Notes Report Writer View Explorer Tree Add, modify, delete Report Notes.
Edit Report Raw Data Report Writer View Explorer Tree, Edit Report Modify(Edit) Report Raw Data.
Edit Schedule DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock, and the Create/Modify Children permission on the report in Argos (since schedules are children of reports). Modify the parameters for a scheduled job.
Edit Schedule API Argos Admin View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Create an API for a scheduled job.
Edit Shared Shortcuts DB Designer   Allows Rename or Delete of Shared Shortcut.
Edit Trash Bin Argos Admin View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Empty Trash Bin. Also Open, Restore, Delete objects in the Trash Bin.
Export Object Contents DB Designer View Explorer Tree Enable Export of Object Contents.
Export Objects from Explorer Tree DB Designer View Explorer Tree Enable Export of Objects from the Explorer Tree.
Import Objects into Explorer Tree DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Create DataBlock Enable Importing of Objects into the Explorer Tree.
Log on through Argos Web Viewer Report Viewer   Log on to Argos via its web browser interface (added in version 4.2).
Manage Report Datasets DB Designer   Enables creation of data sets in Banded and Extract Reports.
Manage Revision Control Settings DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Ability to change the revision control settings for a DataBlock.
Manage Revisions DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Ability to select/edit/remove revisions of a DataBlock via the Revision Manager
Manage Security DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Folder Apply Security to Argos objects.
Manage Argos Web Viewer Settings DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit DataBlock Enable access to the Web Viewer Settings dialog.
Publish to CO-OP DB Designer View Explorer Tree Enable Publishing to the CO-OP
Redirect Shortcuts DB Designer View Explorer Tree Enable redirection of a Shortcut.
Run Saved State Report Viewer View Explorer Tree Run a report's saved state.
Save Results of DataBlock Control Report Viewer   Save the results of a DataBlock Report.
Schedule Bursting Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add bursting to the scheduled job.
Schedule Copy File Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add Copy File to the scheduled job.
Schedule Delete File Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add Delete File to the scheduled job.
Schedule FTP Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add the Schedule FTP Task to a scheduled job.
Schedule Run Application Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add the Run Application Task to a scheduled job.
Schedule Save Execution State Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add the Save Execution State Task to a scheduled job.
Schedule Send Email Task DB Designer View Explorer Tree, Edit Schedule Add the Send Email Task to a scheduled job.
View Explorer Tree Report Viewer   This operation is required for many other operations that require locating an object in the Explorer Tree.
View Trash Bin Argos Admin View Explorer Tree View but not manage the Trash Bin.